"Make the best of all mead-halls yours, and then keep it free if evil,
fight with glory in your heart! Purge Herot and your ship with sail home with
its treasure-holds full" (Raffal 30).

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I am, the lovely luminous Linda
My mother makes mouthwatering meals
My father flaunts my fortes
Long lived in lavish Louisiana
Friends flock over my fine fibers
Stroking splendidly, separating each lock
Serviced by my superb tooth-wand1
Master of my makeup
I radiate rampantly across the room
Winning spelling bees without worry
Words surely spelled through a sound-handle2
Problem solving prolonged proofs
Evaluating everyone without effort
Having skin smooth like silk
While people befriend the beastly blemish
I will diagnose many medusa-mountains3
Graciously giving people glowing skin
Bestowed with beauty and brains
Remembered for remarkable records
Exceeding everyone’s high expectations
People learn of the lovely luminous Linda
  1. hairbrush
  2. microphone
  3. pimples

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